Moroccan Arabic Lesson: Changing Your Point of View

Today's clip is from the Moroccan web series "Wake up!" featuring Ilyas Sheikh Sar. This clip is taken from an episode explaining the importance of Prayer in Islam. In this section, Sheikh Sar explains that it's our perspective towards something that defines how much we enjoy it that thing. This clip features a lot of excellent vocabulary and phrases.

The language in this clip is as typically Moroccan as one can find. Try watching the video several times and repeating the sentences after Sheikh Sar has said them to try and pick up the rhythm of Moroccan speech.

If you like this post, be sure to share it with your friends and check out the rest of our Moroccan Arabic video lessons here!

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم و الصلات و السلام على رسول الله
bismillah al-rahman al-rahim, w salaat w salaam 3la rasoul allah.

In the name of God the Merciful and the Compassionate, and Praise and Blessing upon God's Messenger.

 السلام عليكم و مرحبابكم في حلقة جديدة من برنامج صحا
Salaam 3laikom w mar7babikom fi 7alqa jdida mn barnamaj s7a.

Hello and welome to a new episode of the show "Wake up!"

اليوم، بغيت نحضركم على الصلاة. صراحة، صعب بزاف باش أنك تحضر على الصلاة.
al-yom, bghit n7drkom 3la lsalat. sara7a sa3ib bzf bash annak ta7dr 3la lsalat. 

Today, I want to talk to you about prayer. To be honest, it's really hard to talk about prayer.

كل شي عارف الصلاة، كل شي عارف الأهمية ديالها، كل شي عارف القيمة ديالها، كل شي سباق يسمع أحاديث الصلاة، القيمة ديالها، الضرورة ديالها
kull shi 3arif lsalat, kull shi 3arif lahamiyya dialha, kull shi 3arif lqima dialha, kull shi sbaq ysma3 a7adith lsalat, lqima dialha, ldaroora dialha.

 Everyone knows what prayer is, everyone knows its importance, everyone knows its value, everyone's already heard, their value and their necessity.

و لكن أنا مابغيتش ندخل من هاد المدخل هادا، بغيت ندخل من مدخل أخر
w lakin ana mabghitsh ndkhal mn had lmadkhal hada, bghit ndkhal mn mdkhal akhr.

But I don't want to approach [prayer] in this way, I want to approach it in a different way.

أي حاجة في هاد الدنيا باش تستمتع بها و باش تستفاد منها خص جوج حوايج. أي حاجة في هاد الدنيا.
ayy 7aja fi had ldunya bash tstamta3 biha w bash tstafad minha khass jouj 7waij. ayy 7aja f had ldunya.

 Anything in this world needs two things for you to enjoy it and benefit from it. Anything...

أول حاجة، خصك تكون عندك معلومات عليها
awwal 7aja, khassik tkon 3ndak ma3lumat 3laiha.

First, you need to have information about the thing. 

كيفاش غتستمتع بالحاجة و أنت ماعارف عليها والو. و كيفاش غتستفاد من حاجة و أنت ماكتعرف عليها والو
kifash ghatstamta3 b l7aja w anta ma 3rif 3laiha walo. w kifash ghatstafad min 7aja w anta ma kat3rif 3laiha walo.

How are you going to enjoy something that you know nothing about? How are you going to benefit from it when you don't know anything about it?

و تاني حاجة هي وجهة النظر ديالك لها
w tani 7aja hiya wujhat nadhr dialik liha.

And the second [factor] is your point of view towards that thing.

كيفاش كتشوفها و شنو هي وجهة النظر ديالك لها و شنو هي بالنسبة لك
kifash katshofha w shnu hiya wujhat nadhr dialik liha w shnu hiya b nisba lik.

[This is], how you see something, your point of view towards it and what it means to you.

حيت ممكن تكون الحاجة عظيمة بزاف و لكن أنت ماكتشوفهاش عظيمة و ماعاطيهاش القيمة للي كتستحق و بالتالي ماكتستفادش منها و ماكتستمتعش بها
7it mumkin tkon l7aja 3dhima bzf, w lakin anta makatshofhash 3dhima w ma 3atihash lqima lli katst7aqq w b tali makatstafadsh minha w makatstamta3sh biha.

Because, maybe there's something that's very important, but you don't see it as important and you don't give it the value it deserves, and as a result you don't benefit from it nor do you enjoy it.

و للي قلت لك شحال تعطي في النسبة المئوية لمعلومات على الحاجة و شحال تعطي وجهة النظر ديالك لها
w lli golt lik sh7al ta3ti fi lnisba miawiyaa li ma3lumat 3la l7aja w sh7al ta3ti wujhat nadhr dialik liha.

And let me tell you what percent you should give to information about something and how much you should give to your point of view towards it

 تيق بيّ قلت لك تمانين في المائة كاملة لوجهة النظر ديالك لهاد الحاجة باش تستفاد منها و باش تستمتع بها
tiq biyya goltlik tmanin fi lmia kamila, li wujhat nadhr dialik li had l7aja bash tstafad minha w bash tstmta3 biha.

Trust me, a full 80 percent of you enjoying and benefitting from something comes from your point of view towards it.

و عشرين في المائة كتبقى لمعلومات عليها
w 3shrin fi lmia katbqa li lma3lumat 3laiha.

And the 20 percent that remains represents what you know about it.

يعني وجهة النظر ديالك للي كتحدّد واش أنّك غادي تستمتع بهاد الحاجة و واش انّك غتستفاد من هاد الحاجة أو ماغتستفادش منها
ya3ni wujhat nadhr dialik lli kat7ddad wash annak ghadi tstmta3 b had l7aja w wash annak ghatstafad min had l7aja o ma ghatstafadsh minha.

So, it's your point of view that determines whether you're going to enjoy something and whether you'll benefit from it or not.

و دبا خليني نسولك: أنت، شنو هي وجهة النظر ديالك للصلاة؟ كيفاش كتشوف الصلاة؟
w dba khallini nsuwwalik, anta, shnu hiya wujhat lnadhr dialik li lsalat. kifash katshouf lsalat.

Now, let me ask you: what is your point of view towards prayer? How do you view it?

و الله سبحان و تعالى، كيفاش بغانا نشوفو الصلاة؟
w allah sub7ana w ta3ala, kifash bghana nshoufo lsalat.

And God Almighty, how does he want want us to view prayer?


Vocabulary Review

sara7a - صراحة - "honestly" or "truthfully". sara7a is used to emphasize that what you're saying is truthful.

kull shi - كل شي - "everyone" or "everything". Literally kull shi means "everything", but in Moroccan Arabic it can also be used to mean "everyone".

sbaq ysma3 - سبق يسمع - "has already heard". sbaq means "to occur previously" and can be used with present tense verbs to convey actions that have already happened.

a7adith - آحاديث - a7adith is the plural of 7adith which literally means "saying". In this context, a7adith refers to the sayings and doings of the Prophet Muhammad, which, along with the Qu'ran, are Islam's sacred texts.

lmadkhal - المدخل - "entry" or "entrance". madkhal can be used literally or figuratively. Here, Sheikh Sar uses it figuratively to refer to how he will approach the topic of Prayer.

tstamta3 biha - تستمتع بها - "you enjoy something".

tstafad minha - تستفد منها - "you benefit from something".

jouj 7waij - جوج حوايج - "two things". jouj is the word for the number two in Moroccan Arabic. 7waij is the plural of 7aja, which means "thing". There's no dual form in Moroccan Arabic, unlike Standard Arabic.

ma 3arif walo - ما عارف والو - "you don't know anything". This phrase contains a double negative, so only ma is used for negation. 3arif is the active participle of 3rf meaning "to know". walo means "nothing".

wujhat nadhr - وجهة النظر - "point of view"

b nisba lik - بالنسبة لك - "according to you"

3dhima - عظيمة - "great"

ma 3atihash - ماعاطيهاش - "not giving it". 3ati is the active participle of verb 3ta, which means "to give".

katst7aqq - كتستحق - "it deserves"

b tali - بالتالي - "subsequently" or "as a result"

sh7al - شحال - "how much".

al-nisba miawiyya - النسبة المئوية - "percent"

kat7ddad - كتحدّد - "determines" or "defines"

khallini nsuwwalik - خليني نسوّلك - "Let me ask you". khala is a verb that literally means "to leave" or "to leave alone". It takes on different meanings depending on its context. khallini here is a command: "leave me!" or "leave me alone!". When combined with the present tense verb nsuwwalik - "I ask you" - it takes on the meaning, "Let me ask you."


  1. This is a brilliant learning resource. Thank you so much.

  2. Thanks a lot for these lessons. So valuable and helpful.

  3. Un grand merci !!! J'adoooore tout ce que vous faites. Vous m'aidez beaucoup !


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